Friday, September 26, 2008

Static URLs Vs. Dynamic URLs

“No need to rewrite dynamic URLs to Search Engine Friendly static urls” – By Google
You Guys are thinking what written here but this is fact and you can make it sure from here Google webmaster Central Blog.
We have read in every webmaster forums or SEO blogs that dynamic urls passes less information to google than static urls which search engine accepts with love Google confirmed that this is not the case anymore.
Crawler is so smart that is can handle pretty much all the dynamic urls that has the extra parameters in it. It can even decode those ampersands and session ids to meaningful format.
Therefore, you don’t need to rewrite them to SEO friendly static formats.

However Google clears that, if there is dynamic content pulled from the database on demand, on the fly, then it’s recommended that, you leave it as such, because Google can now understand what a session id and & sign means. When there is dynamic content, it is not fair to rewrite to static urls where we might avoid all the additional parameters.
However, if the content is not dynamic, you might want to avoid longer URLs with meaningless parameters.
Which means that webmasters should now allow and tell Google that it’s dynamic content or static content without fail, and not try to mask your content nature (dynamic or static) through URLs just for the sake of search engine friendliness.
The big picture is thus.
Dynamic Content = Dynamic (meaningful) URLs = Google - No rewrites please, we’ll separate wheat from chaff.
Static Content = Static URLs. = Google - We were smart, and will be.
So, what happens to all those who manipulated their URL’s to search engine friendly format?
Well, leave it as such if it’s complicated to go back. Just make sure, your have the URLs related to the content and not unnecessarily “SEO” optimized. Again, this depends on the site type, volume of pages, indexed content and the time you’ve got.

Monday, September 1, 2008

RSS - Alternative of Email Marketing for Traffic

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) Technology is useful for both Publishers and Readers subscribers. RSS is created in XML technologies so that as soon as Publisher do any updations in RSS Readers can see that updations on their end. This is the very fast communication between Publisher and Reader. Many online newspapers using this Innovative technology to attract more and more visitors with latest breaking news. Book Publishers using RSS to provide latest books reviews, books list, discounts, free shipping promotions etc.

Readers can also Add RSS on their website or Many RSS readers software’s, websites available on Internet Where readers can get ability to view Opt-In RSS feeds provided by publishers.
RSS is an alternative for e-mail Marketing.

Many sales companies sending emails to increase sales. RSS is an alternative for e-mail marketing. Publishers can attract many subscribers readers and webmasters to bring Instant traffic on publishers website. Publishers can get the ability to bring buyers in Less time for any sales promotions.
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